Great Weather!
Wonderful, nice temperatures, and sunny to partly sunny days for the past week! More of the same through tomorrow and then they are predicting more seasonal weather….90s and humidity. Great way to start July though with temperatures in the 80s.
What can I about the generation schedule? Five days of generation through July 1. Then on July 2, it was off for a few hours early, early in the morning. Then they cranked it up for the day. Wednesday it was off with a little generation mid day (wadeable), then back off, and basically the same pattern for the 4th. Although on the 4th it did not come on until around 4:00 p.m. for a couple hours then back off. This morning they were supposed to be generating, but much to our surprise, it is off as I am writing (8:50 a.m) We will see what the balance of the day brings, but I am betting on some generating some time during the day. If we are lucky, we might see no generation most of the weekend……hope…hope!
Lots of folks fishing. Stan and I had Bob and Marcie and their son Rob and his wife Shawn on the water Monday. First time for Bob and Marcie to fish this much water. This was Rob and Shawn’s first time, so no surprises. Fun half day and everyone caught fish. With the high water, it was the big ruby, P&P and copper dun midge droppers. Darrell had Eric and Christy out for half a day. Tough with the high water, but they boated fish on the big ruby.
Rick and Kristi needed their fishing fix, so they spent half a day on the water with Carolyn on Monday. Good day for these two on the big ruby with a size 18 scud dropper, or the peach egg dropper on the high bank. Rick landed his brown on a size 6 sculpzilla. Stan had Dan and his daughter Hayley out. Think Hayley out fished her Dad. Best pattern was the big ruby.
Carolyn took Sam, from Texas,out for half a day on Tuesday. Sam has done some fly fishing in the past and getting back into it…..big time! Before the morning was over, he was back into casting and throws a good line. Good day for Sam on the big ruby and a black zebra early in the day, then the copper dun midge. Caught a few on the CQ streamer and the size 18 gray scud under the big ruby. Fun day!
Fourth of July was a busy day for us. Stan and Dana out with a group from Oklahoma. Stan had Tim and Dana had Jacob and Braden. Weird morning. The fish were not really taking midges and scuds fast and furious. They were eating them, but they seemed to prefer a streamer. All are new fly fishers, so the P&P and rusty were their best midges. Dana also caught some on the B-bug and the CQ streamer. Edd, from Texas spend the morning with Darrell. He is also getting reintroduced to fly fishing. They with best on the P&P and CQ streamer. Sam didn’t get enough fishing on Tuesday, so he went out again with Carolyn. They pretty much started with and finished up with the CQ streamer. Very good day for Sam and he is really throwing some line now that he spent a whole morning casting and stripping streamers.