Generation All Weekend!

Great weather we are having.  Sunny yesterday and in the 70s.  A little cool this morning, but it has warmed up and the temperature is in the low 60s heading for upper 60s.  80s are the forecast for the next couple days; then into the 70s for a couple days.  Next weekend is projected to be 80s again.

That was the good news.  Now for the generation.  Pretty solid three generators going since mid-day Friday.  Taneycomo level with these generators has held right in the 708.8 range.  We are back to a Table Rock level of 917.  This was about 1-1/2 inches higher at noon yesterday.  The schedule for tomorrow is more of the same…..three units all day.

If we have to have high water, we prefer that they keep it level, like they are doing, at some level, whether it be high or low.  The stable water level has put the fish where we expect them to be.  Lots of our boats on the water yesterday and everyone had a good day.  Darrell had James Albert from Louisiana out all day.  They pulled a few streamers and he threw a hopper a few times, but their best patterns were the big ruby with a black zebra dropper.  Jim and his son, Kevin, from Oklahoma spent half a day with Jim.  They also did best on a red midge with a black zebra midge.  Stan’s guest, Mike was fishing the big ruby with a little ruby dropper.  They also caught a few on the red holographic red crackleback.  Carolyn was out with friends,

Pretty rainbow - 5/11/13

Bob and Linda, from Kansas.  We had a fun day on the CQ streamer and holographic green crackleback on both a 1.5 ips and 2.6 ips sinking tip.  Also did well on the lightening bug dropped under the big ruby.  Wish this picture did justice to one of the pretty rainbows we caught yesterday.  Everyones’ biggest problem yesterday was the WIND!  Pretty bad when you can stop still with three units going because the wind is that stiff coming up stream!

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