Sorry For The Delay….Got Stuck In Montana!
Weather looking pretty good except for Friday, when we have a chance for rain. Temperatures will be in the 60s tomorrow through Saturday and then into the 70s well into next week. By Thursday, rain chances are creeping back but temperatures remain more seasonal.
The other side of this coin is generation. With the rain we had last week, Table Rock has been generating non-stop for the ;ast seven days. Good news, (yes, there is some) is that they are not generating full board like they did last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Monday, they cut back to the equivalent of two generators with 6500 cfs. Since then, it is varied only slightly up or down from this level. Table Rock Lake is close to power pool, so it remains to be seen what they will do over the weekend.
Sorry for the late fishing report…..not really. Gina and I took off for the Orvis Rendezvous in Missoula, Montana last Thursday. What a great event, but even better, what a great fishing city. We were able to fish the Bitterroot River three days in a row. Tough duty!!!! Unfortunately, or fortunately, we got stuck in Missoula for an extra day due to the weather.
Now to the local news! Last week, Darrell, Jim and Stan took out the annual Texas group. Stan had Dan and Harold. What a great day they had on the size 18 ruby midge or stripping the insect green soft hackle or the holographic green crackleback. Lou and Jimmie fished with Darrell. Another happy boat load on the black zebra midge with the copper head. Jim’s guys, Richard and Richard (bet that boat was confused all day) had their good day on the CQ streamer, blood worm and silver headed black midge.
Wednesday, Jim had his regular, Bud from Lee’s Summit out for a great half day. Water was rising, but they caught lots of fish on the CQ streamer, a gold crackleback, and a size 14 red midge with a size 18 silver headed black midge dropper. Stan had Paul, and his son Tim out for half a day. They had a good day on the red midge dropped under the big ruby.
Saturday, Darrell took Cheryl and Gary, from Texas out for half a day. This was the first day of the “high” generation and definitely tough. Stan had their friends, Ron and Jamie. All are beginners, so this was like jumping into fly fishing with both feet! They did boat some fish on the big ruby. Not a banner day, but certainly not a wash out! Jim had one of his regulars from Springfield out for half a day, Jim. Jim’s friend Keith was with him. They had a good day, especially with the water conditions, on the bug-eyed bugger, and a black midge dropper under the red midge.
Did I mention….Gina and I were catching our fish on a dry skwala stonefly pattern! What a hoot! Ready to do it again! But, certainly glad to be home.