Happy Valentine’s Day!
Whew! Been a crazy three days Website directed to la-la land somehow and it has taken an act of Congress to get it up and running again. But at last! Success!
Now, on to the good stuff. Weather has been great. It did not get as cool or bad as they had predicted for Tuesday or Wednesday. Today is partly cloudy and in the mid 50s. It does look like we are in for a cool down. Of course, it will be partly over the weekend. Friday will be in the low 40s and partly sunny. Saturday looks about the same. Sunday looks better with the mid 50s, but by Monday we are looking at low 50s and a 50% chance of moisture. Moisture chances gone Tuesday and Wednesday with more seasonal temperatures in the upper 40s. Still not bad for February.
They did generate some water all weekend. However, other than late Sunday, it was at a level that one could wade in several places. No generation Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Today we have had a low one, up to a low two and now back to a low one generator going all day.
With the water off this week, fishing was again great!
Ken and Larry, from Kansas spent half a day with Stan last Sunday. It was a red midge day even with the generators going. Lots of fish on the size 16 tunghead midge, and the CQ streamer or red crackleback stripped on an intermediate sink tip line.
Carolyn on the water Monday with Vickie and Martin from Oklahoma. Wonderful day. Martin has been fly fishing for a while but Vickie is just getting started. Rigged Martin up with a 1.5 ips sink tip line and the CQ streamer. Couldn’t take that fly away from him. This was his pattern for the whole afternoon. Worked for a while with Vickie on casting, then she went live. Caught a few drifting the size 18 ruby midge. Not enough action (Martin was above us hauling them in on his CQ), so we switched to the olive filoplume on a 2.6 ips sinking leader. Bullseye! Vickie’s turn to bring in the fish. After catching enough fish in this location, we moved on down river to the Pointe area so they could see other areas to fish. This is where Martin caught his nice rainbow….on the CQ streamer. Fish started popping, so we decided to try something different for Vickie. Red ass soft hackle worked great and she caught a nice 15-1/2″ to 16″ rainbow among her many fish. They both went out Tuesday and Wednesday on their own and had more good days, especially Wednesday, and I think almost everything was on the CQ streamer.