Seeing Lots of Wading Time!
COLD is the word to describe today. It bounced between 15 and 17 degrees on my car temperature reader this morning on my way to work. BUT, the forecast says we will warm up. Today’s high will be low 30s, but tomorrow upper 30s, Wednesday and Thursday, mid to upper 40s. by Friday and Saturday we will probably see 50s again! Yeah!
Lots of no generation days. Last Wednesday and Thursday they ran all bay both days. Other than that, the only generation we have seen for a week is one generator on this morning for a few hours… least that is the projection.
Last trip we had out was last week and Stan had Doc and his friend Les, from Oklahoma out for the day. They caught several fish, but felt it was not the normal grrreat day they usually get. However, a good time (as they always do) was had by all. Red midge, ruby midge and primrose & pearl midge seemed to be the patterns for them.
Talked Have been talking to several brave souls who have been fishing the past few days and they are seeing quite a few nice rainbows. Think the McCloud strain is showing up in our rainbows right now and they are in or going into their spawn as several of the males caught have been “milking”. The rainbows they are catching are nice, 19-20 inches, and beautifully colored. Heard of two or three fishers who have hooked some even larger. Bundle up and get out there. It might be worth it. Red seems to be the magic color right now, red midges and red soft hackles. One fisher did do well the other day stripping the CQ streamer. Stan had a trip today, but they mutually agreed that it would be nicer tomorrow afternoon and Thursday afternoon! Good move!