Good Fishing!
Weather looks pretty good until next week. Christmas day will be in the 40s and there is even a chance of snow….just in time for Christmas. Otherwise, we are looking at 50s and 60s and very little chance of moisture.
Generation was off most of Saturday. Sunday they ran something all day. First low in the early a.m. then ramped it up for a while and up and down, etc..etc. Today they did pretty much what they projected. Some (3 hours) generation this morning and now it is off. Should be off most of the day.
Jim and Stan on the water Saturday with Jim, and his son, Brandon, and their friends, Tom and Connie. Awesome day. Lots of fish and lots of fun. Both boats pretty much caught everything on the holographic green crackleback (early in the day) and finished off the afternoon strippipng the CQ streamer. Everything was stripped on a sinking fly line or leader. Also caught a few on the Primrose & Pearl midge. The only downside of the day was the wind. 35 mph at times, but didn’t hurt…probably helped the fishing. Several customers came into the shop that day complaining of aching arms from catching too many fish!
Stan on the water the next day with Nathan and Jeff from Texas. Low generation in the early morning, then they cranked it up to two just about the time they hit the water. Needless to say, it was not fishing like the day before, but they did catch fish. Best patterns were the CQ, and the big ruby with the red midge dropper. Jeff was new to fly fishing, but certainly caught fish. Nate has been fishing for a while.