Looks Like Warm Weather Coming Back!
It certainly has been a bit nippy the past couple days. After such a nice day Thanksgiving, yesterday and today are down right cool! Yesterday was a gloomy 40s day and today will maybe hit the mid 40s. Good news, sun is out. We start a slow warm up, upper 50s tomorrow, and by the weekend it will be in the upper 60s or better.
Good old generation schedule. Another weekend of generation, and then off most of Monday! They are running some thig morning, but it is projected to be off by late morning and not come back on until early evening.
Carolyn on the water all day last Wednesday with Mike and Trish from Texas. Great day. Fish on almost anything we threw, holographic green, silver, or red cracklebacks. Also, the CQ streamer, olive filoplume, mouse gray or golden variant sculpin patterns. It was a stripping day. Good weather too. Friday, after Thanksgiving, they went out again for half a day. Good thing as it was
cold! Notice the difference in attire from Wednesday to Friday! Not only cold, but the wind was relentless! It was a good half day. Obviously not as many fish as on the first full day, but good day on the filoplume, CQ streamer and the primrose & pearl midge. The grant finale to our day was after we had left the river. During the drive back, an eight-point buck and three does were standing in the
middle of Hatchery Road. We stopped the car and watched them for a good 3-4 minutes before they moved on.