Hope Everyone Had a Great Thanksgiving!
Other than eating too much, we had a great Thanksgiving Day. When to good friend’s home for a wonderful meal. How can one not eat too much. Great day too, weatherwise. Right now we are having showers along with thunder and some lightening. Tomorrow looks pretty nippy. The high is predicted to be upper 40s to low 50s, but no rain. Mostly sunny. Saturday will be another cool day in the low to mid 50s, but mostly sunny. Sunday will climb to the low 60s and sunny. Monday a chance of showers creeps in again, but clear by Tuesday and nippy temperatures back again, upper 40s to low 50s and partly cloudy. Oh well, it is the end of November!
Yes, generation continues to be spastic. They ran generators all last weekend. Monday through Wednesday they turned on a low one generator some time during the day (not when they projected it) for one to two hours, then off the rest of the day. What did they do today…run generators all day, from a low one to a full two. Projection for tomorrow is some generation in the morning, then off around 10:00 a.m. and off until 5:0 p.m.
Stan had David and his wife, Karen, from Rhode Island out for half a day this past Saturday. Of course, they were running water; three units when he put in. David is an experienced fly fisher, but this was Karen’s first time for fly fishing, and she loves it! They were fishing the P&P and red midges.
Sunday, Ron from Blue Springs, fished with Stan for half a day. Very good day for Ron on the P&P midge and stripping the holographic green crackleback. Ron stays in the area and wanted to learn where and how to fish Taneycomo as he had never fished here before.
Tuesday was a beautiful day and lots of folks were on the river. Darrell and Gina had a group from Louisiana on the river. David and John were with Gina. This was David’s first outing and he did well. They did best on the black midge with the copper head. Darrell had Doug and his son, Stephen. They started out with the black midge with the copper head, but finished up with the P&P
and a red soft hackle dropper. Good day for these guys. Mike, from Oklahoma, spent the morning with Stan. They too had a good day starting with the P&P midge. When the generators came on, unexpectedly, they found a good seam and stripped the holographic green crackleback on a sink tip. Carolyn had Ron and Kathy out all day. It was a Kathy day. They started out with the black midge with the copper head and when the generators came on one fished the big ruby with a P&P dropper and the other had an egg pattern with the P&P dropper. Most all the fish were either on the P&P or big ruby. Good day, especially for Kathy.