Fishing Is Still Good
Wind blew through here pretty good today. Not a good dry fly day! It is raining as I write and will probably continue off and on through this evening. Could even get a little slick as they are forecasting upper 20s for our lows both tonight and tomorrow. Tomorrow is supposed to sunny up with temperatures in the mid 50s. Mid 50s to upper 50 throughout the week and into the weekend. Very little chance of any more precipitation once we get through today.
Thank you generators. No generation Friday, they they certainly ran generators all weekend. A little generation projected for tomorrow morning, otherwise off until lte afternoon when some will come back on.
Friday fished very well with no generation. Georgiana and Michelle, two ladies from the “Gals Go Fish” club in the Kansas City area, fished with Gina. Good day for these ladies on the P&P and copper dun midges, and the CQ streamer.
Saturday, Darrell took John and his son out for a full day float. Stan had their friend, Walt for the day. These guys from Wildwood, had a good day, despite the wind. Darrell’s boats best pattern was the P&P midge. Stan used the P&P and the red midge most of the day. The ladies from the River Runners Women’s Fly Fishing Club tried to wade fish, but the river was pretty high in most places. However, they persisted and most everyone caught some fish. Patterns were the P&P, ruby and the black midge with the copper beadhead. One of the gals caught a few on a red San Juan worm, but mainly the black copper head midge dropper. Main thing….a good time was had by all.