Some Great Days On The Water!
Temperatures have been wonderful….70s and low 80s. Looks like we might creep into the upper 80s or low 90s by Tuesday, but back into the 80s and upper 70s for the rest of the week. However, chances for rain are showing up by Wednesday. It looks like 30-40% chances through Saturday.
Generation schedule continues to be nice to the waders. A little blip this morning when they turned on one generator at 8:00 a.m. which was not projected. However, they only kept it on for a couple hours and it was back off. Every day this past week we have had morning wading with no generation.
Last weekend, all week, and again this weekend, fishing has been very good. Stan had David and his friend, Deanne on the water last Monday (yes, I know I’m behind!). They had a good half day, especially on the P&P midge. David did catch some on a dark olive soft hackle, but P&P was the main bug. This was Deanne’s first time fly fishing and she did very well and she really likes it.
Marge and Tom, from California spent Tuesday morning with Carolyn. Good day for these two. Again, it was the P&P and an egg pattern. What a crazy day. At one time, we dubbed ourselves “the three stoogies”. Every trip is a learning process as they only fish here and that is once a year or every other year. We laughed so much we could hardly see what we were doing for the tears in our eyes. Dana had Ron, from Connecticut, out for half a day. They did well on the b-bug, and a red San Juan worm. A new fly fisher from Oklahoma, Rick, spent the morning in a learning mode with Jim. Good learning day and a good fishing day on the P&P, blood worm, and a size 10 CQ streamer. Stan had Mark out all day.
Good day for Mark with two 19 inch rainbows among his catch for the day. The black headed black zebra midge and the ruby midge were their flies for the day. Thursday, Darrell had Larry, from Oklahoma out for half a day. They had a good day on the copper dun and P&P midges. Carolyn had Chris and his wife Stephanie out that morning. This was Stephanie’s first fly fishing outting. She did very well and caught a good number of fish for her first time. Think she even likes it!
Our UK connection, Dave and Kate spent all day Friday on the water with Stan. Good day for these folks. P&P until the water came on and then it was the big ruby and a red San Juan worm. Jim had Jim and Charlie from Springfield, out half a day Friday and Darrell had their friends, Howard and Dan. Jim’s guys pulled the CQ streamer all morning and Darrell’s boat used the P&P and a gray scud.
Gina had Sharon and her grandson, Ian out in the morning. Very good day for them on the CQ streamer and filoplume. Carolyn had JA out for the day. morning started slow, then they caught fish on the CQ streamer, a hopper, a hopper with an egg dropper, the P&P and then the water came on. Three generators and it trashed up! Threw a lot of streamers after that, but the water was so trashed and dirty, not much luck.
Saturday, James (aka Jack) and his wife Mary spend the day with Carolyn. Very good day for these two. It was just a pleasant day…not too hot…clear skies, but a little wind. The P&P, CQ streamer and, once the water came, on the big ruby and an egg or P&P midge dropper were the flies for the day.