Both Weather & Fishing Have Been A Little Steamy The Past Few Days!

Since the rain that came through this past Friday and Saturday, it has been a bit steamy on the river with the temperatures in the upper 90s.  After tomorrow, we should see a drop in temperatures down to the mid 70s over the weekend to the mid 80s by early next week.  Chance of some showers Friday with temperqtures in the mid to upper 80s.  We’ll take it!

Darrell and Carolyn had the Louisiana folks, Dawn, James Albert and Albert out Labor Day.  We all labored over catching fish.  Great day.  Dawn and Carolyn did well on the big ruby and with a size 18 ruby dropper, but the best pattern, once we found the spot, was the CQ streamer on the sinking leader.  You know that Dawn loves stripping.  Darrell and the guys had a great day an egg pattern with the P&P dropper.

Yesterday, Stan took Joe and his brother James out for the day.  They had a very good day on the black zebra with copper head in the morning, then changed to the P&P under the egg pattern.  Unfortunately, they turned on another generator around 2:00 p.m. and once the water started dirting up and you couldn’t keep the gunk off your fly, the catching was over.

Chris - 9/4/12

Meanwhile, Carolyn had Joe’s son, Chris and wife, Vickie, on the water, and in Chris’ case, in the water, showing them the art and fun of fly fishing.  Joe warned me Chris was probably go swimming…..and he did.  We hooked and brought in some fish, and we hooked and let go of some fish.  I think Vickie is ready to try it again!

Vickie - 9/4/12

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