Steady Flow….Steady Fishing!
Nice weather for past few days with a few showers scattered in, especially today, Sunday. Looks like mid 80s creeping into the upper 80s toward next weekend. No chance of moisture until the weekend and then it is not, at this time, a big chance.
Fairly nice, steady generation, especially in the earlier part of the day, the past three days. Now that we have had three days of generation, we’ll possibly see some off time this coming week…..maybe back to the normal schedule of off in the morning til noon or later then low one or two generators the rest of the day.
With this nice steady generation, the fish have been happy. Good fishing for the past few days. Jim had Maurice, from Arkansas on the water Wednesday and Friday last week for half day instructional trips. They had a couple good learning sessions as well as catching some fish. Everything from midging to stripping so they used the CQ, the P&P, ruby and red midges.
Saturday, Darrell had Malcomb and Dan from the St. Louis area and Jim had their buddies, Bill and Mark, also from the St. Louis area, out all day. Dan and Malcomb have been out with Darrell lots of times so they were just hitting the water to do some catching. Good day for these guys on the large black midge with a copper head as well as the big ruby. Jim worked his guys over a little on casting and streamer work. They fished the P&P with a red midge dropper, the black midge and, of course, pulled the CQ streamer.
Sunday, Carolyn took Scott and his daughter, Taylor out for half a day. This was Taylor’s first experience with a fly rod and she did very well for her first outting. Hope it won’t be the last. They made a good father/daughter team and both caught a good number of fish on the size 18 black midge with the copper head,