A Lot Going On!
Weather continues to be sunny and warm. Had one cool day last Friday but it quickly warmed back up into the low 90s to upper 80s. Forecast looks like more of the same through the weekend into next week.
Water off almost all day both Saturday and Sunday. They turned on a low one generator for maybe an hour each day late in the afternoon. Yesterday, it was off until 3:00 p.m. when they fired up a low two for 3-4 hours; then off for the rest of the evening. Today we are seeing a low one generator with the tailwater level bounching in the 704. plus or minus level. This was pretty much the same thing they did last week.
A little bit behind here so I am going to try to get caught up…again. Last Tuesday, Jim on the water for an instructional trip with Stuart and his 8 year old son Hayden. Hopefully, they learned a lot. They caught fish on the ugly and rusty midges, and the bug eye bugger.
All day Thursday and Friday afternoon, Jonathan, from Waynesville, MO. spent time on the river with Stan. He is on a mission to learn everything he can about fly fishing. Friday morning was spent in the shop with Carolyn learning how to tie flies. Quick learner and did a good job. He even caught fish on the flies he tied when he went out that Friday afternoon. They had a great couple of outtings and caught fish on the red midge size 16, the size 18 little ruby and a holographic green crackleback.
Mike needed some R&R, so he spent most of the day Friday on the river with Stan. They had a nice laid back day of catching fish on the big ruby. Low flow one generator going all day, so it was a nice slow drift. Jim had some new fly fishers, Bart and Lorrie, from Oklahoma, out Friday morning. They too had a nice leisurely day of learning and catching on the holographic red midge and a size 10 bug eye. Dana took Matt and Adam out for a learning experience. They caught fish on the big ruby and the red San Juan worm.
Also on Friday, Gina, Carolyn and another Carolyn from Arkansas, conducted a fly tying clinic for 23 members of Sisters on the Fly. They were all camping at the KOA Camp Ground just north of us on 165 highway. What a neat, fun and crazy bunch of ladies! Everyone rolled up their sleeves and we had some good looking bugs by the time we finished. Not a record with the numbers we taught, but a darn good average! After the clinic, Gina and I drove through the camp ground to look at their campers. They were all very unique in the way they are decorated. What fun.
Two days later, a couple of the ladies from Texas, Martha and Susan, spent the morning on the water with Gina. This was Susan’s first time fly fishing and Martha has not fly fished for about 10 years. They had a fun day. Martha is now back into fly fishing and Susan is close behind her. Their best patterns were the filoplume, red midge and a crackleback.