Water Off Yesterday Morning & Again Today
Looks like we are in for some warmer weather over the next few days. Good time to be standing in some cool water! Temperatures in the mid to low 90s through the early part of next week, then we will see the upper 80s and a chance of showers by Tuesday. Biggest chance of showers looks like Thursday with temperatures dropping to upper 70s to low 80s.
They had the generators off this past Sunday until 6:00 p.m.; then a low two generators Monday through Tuesday. Wednesday they generated the equivalent of a low two generators early and eventually shut it down late afternoon. Thursday it was a low one, but shortly before noon, they cranked it up to a low two and then shut it down! Both yesterday and again this morning, the generators are off. Projection has two generators coming on around 1:00 p.m. today and off again late evening.
Fishing has been and continues to be very good. We may have a little slow period during the day, but overall, catching has been good and good on lots of things. Tuesday, Diane and Brian, from the St. Louis area on the water all day with Stan. They had a fun day on the big ruby and stripping the holographic green crackleback. This was one of Diane’s first experiences with the sink trip. After she got used to the extra weight, I think she liked it. This was one of the higher water days.
Stan on the water again Wednesday, this time with a couple of beginner fly fishers from Louisiana, John and Tina. They thought this was pretty cool and both caught on quickly to casting and catching. Another big ruby day as we had low generation that day. Carolyn had Penny, who recently moved to the area from Alaska, on the water again. We had a good catching half day on the big ruby and sink tipping the holographic green crackleback and olive filoplume. I have talked to several fishers in various areas who are finding the olive filoplume to be working very well right now. Darrell had Rick from Texas on the river Wednesday. Their best pattern was also the big ruby.
Thursday, Peter and his son, Jacob spent the afternoon with Darrell. Little tough this day. They cranked up the water about the time they hit the river and within an hour or so, they shut it down. Needless to say, the fish and fishers were a bit confused. They did boat some fish on the big ruby, but it was a tougher than normal day.
Thursday was a flotilla day. Dana had Leroy and Don, from Texas, out for the morning. They had a very good day on the rusty midge. Larry, from Oklahoma, spent the morning on the water with Darrell. Their best flies were the ruby and the P&P. Mike, from Kansas, fished with Jim. Good day for them on the P&P, rusty and blood worm. Stan had Bob, from Florida, and Bobby, from Kansas, out for the day. Despite the 25-30 mph winds, they caught a lot of fish on the P&P, ruby and stripping the holographic green crackleback.
Fishing has been very good. I have been talking to lots of folks and they are definitely catching on many things, scuds, olive wooly buggers, P&P, ruby, filoplume, egg patterns, soft hackles, and even a few dries!