Lots Of Fun Trips!
As far as the weather goes, we must be living right. More sunny to partly sunny days coming up. Temperatures ranging from the upper 70s today to low 90s by Thursday and through the weekend. I am not seeing anything that looks like rain in the near future.
We actually had no generation for a while over the weekend. The water was off Saturday until 2:00 p.m. and Sunday until 5:00 p.m. They were supposed to turn it on around 1:00 p.m. yesterday but it definitely was later. Today we were supposed to get a low one unit until 2:00 p.m. They did a low flow for a while but they cranked it up at 8:00 a.m. and it has been bouncing around between the equivalent of one unit or a very low two units.
Fishing has been wonderful. Ginger and Mark, from Texas, spent last Tuesday morning (yes, I know I’m behind!) on the river with Carolyn learning the fine art of fly fishing. We had low one unit that day so it was perfect for them to get into the water and learn how to cast and fish. Both caught on to casting quickly. It was after their first fish that casting went south! Lots of fish on the big
ruby, and they even caught a few stripping an olive wooly bugger using the intermediate sinking leader. Great teamwork! Several doubles drifting the high bank below Lookout Pointe. Keep practicing guys.
Wednesday, Gina had Pat Esposito from South Carolina out for a second day of fishing. He fished with Stan on Monday. Pat had another good day of fishing and landed a nice 17 inch rainbow. Best patterns were the big ruby with a size 18 ruby dropper, the pink worm and stripping the flasher.
Bobbi and Arny, from California fished with us last year. They came back again and fished with Carolyn this year. Fun couple. We had a good day…good old big ruby midge. Also caught some on an olive wooly bugger and a primrose & pearl midge. Another great day of a low one generator going.
Meanwhile, Stan was on the water with Ron and Brian from the Kansas City area. They had a great day on the big ruby and the olive wooly bugger. I think Stan wore them out catching fish that day!
Friday, Dolph, from Kimberling City, brought his brother-in-law, Tom, for a half day float with Carolyn. Another good day on the ruby and olive wooly bugger.
Stan had Rob, from Ballwin, MO. out Saturday morning. Started out a little slow, but certainly picked up on the size 18 ruby midge. He caught a nice 18 inch rainbow in the Trophy Run area.
Jerry, from Springfield, wanted to infect his son Brandt, also from Springfield, with the fly fishing bug. He sent Brandt and his uncle, Tom, out with Carolyn for the morning. Brandt is brand new, so we worked on casting a little. Always need to do more and get in more practicing, but he definitely had a fun day on the water hooking fish on the
primrose & pearl midge. Brandt was on a roll. He out fished both his Dad and uncle. Once it started clouding up in the latter part of the morning, the rusty midge was a better pattern for us.
Fishing is very good right now. I had several folks come into the shop yesterday and today saying how great fishing is.
The olive filoplume, stripping under the intermediate sinking leader did great for one of our customers who was fishing just above Trophy Run below the shoal. The white grub down below the Lookout Island along the high bank pulled in a bunch for a couple yesterday. The holographic green crackleback and olive midge were working great above and below the Pointe area. Almost everyone catching lots of fish! Now to get a reasonable flow pattern going. Okay! Caught up for a little while. Oh! Almost forgot. Also had a fly fishing clinic group on the water Saturday. Thank you, the water was off in the morning. Everyone worked on the roll cast, pick up and lay down cast, and best of all drifting, mending, hooking and playing in a fish. Didn’t take long Saturday to determine that the rusty midge was the pattern of the day until they turned on the water. One last fish on the cerise worm! After fishing, to the classroom for more information on gear, bugs, and how to get your fly down to the fish. Overload time! Everyone had a good time, especially me!