Fishing and Catching Are Good!
We continue to see the low generation pattern through most of the day. They did crank up the generators Monday afternoon as well as Tuesday, and again today around 3:00 p.m. Pattern for Thursday is more of the same with, according to the projecting, not quite as much generation when they fire up around 3:00 p.m.
Mike, from Oklahoma who also has a place in Branson, and his daughter’s friend, Adam took a 1/2 day float with Stan this past Saturday. Very good day on the water for these guys. This Adam’s first fly fishing trip and he certainly got off to a great start. Caught on quickly to casting and the landed the largest fish on the outting. Best patterns were with big ruby and an olive wooly bugger. Low one generator going for the entire drift. Great!
Monday, Stan had Pat from South Carolina on the water all day. Pat fished with us several years ago and was glad to be back. He is to fish again on Wednesday with Gina. Stan and he had a very good day on the with the red midge, the big ruby and a holographic green crackleback.
Gina had Rebecca and Bobbi on the water Tueday. Rebecca lives near Montauk and really loves that fishery….can’t blame her. Bobbi is from Kansas. They all had a great fun day on the big ruby with a size 18 ruby dropper, the flasher, and a gray scud. Sounds like they had a good celebration day for Rebecca’s birthday. Carolyn had Ginger and Mark, from Houston out for a half day instructional /catching (that’s part of the learning curve) day. Quick learners. Had the roll cast down in no time as well as the regular cast. As I always tell people when they learning to cast, “when you are learning, once you catch your first fish, your casting will go to to poop in no time.” Did for a while, but they came around and the casts were looking pretty good again by the end of the trip. Now for more practice! We had a really good catching as well as fun day on the big ruby and stripping a size 12 olive wooly bugger. I think they like it!
Talked to several people who were fishing the low one generator day and they were doing very well on various patterns. Dale, from Oklahoma, says he really enjoys the articulated sculpin patterns. He really likes pulling streamers. He also did well on the olive floozie at the rebar hole. Talked to some other guys who did well on the gray scuds on the flat area below the fish ladder (AKA outlet 3).