It’s All In The Smiles!

Broken record.  Weather continues to be exceptional for this time of year.  Lots of sunshine and warm temperatures.  Chances of rain moving in Tuesday and Wednesday, but temperatures remain in the upper 60s to mid 70s most of the time. 

Table Rock Lake is down below 916.5 and we continue to see generation 24 hours/day.  Very little generation at Beaver, so they still have a little over five feet to dump into Table Rock in order to get back to their normal power pool.  But, we’re getting closer!  Bull Shoals is also running 24 hours/day and has been for the past five days.  

Stan had Darby, from Texas, out half a day Thursday.  Good day for Darby on both a beadhead olive wooly bugger or the holographic green crackleback stripping with the intermediate sink tip.  He really liked working the sinking tip. 

Hugh- 3/30/12 (check out the smile)

Friday, Stan and Carolyn had three generations of Herschends on the water for the morning, Peter, his son Jonn, and grandson Hugo.  Carolyn took Jonn and Hugo and Stan had Peter.  Think Jonn has a fly fishing buddy in Hugo.  Second time with a fly rod and he is roll casting, mending, and can definitely detect the strike, set the hook and bring in the fish.  Although his first fish was on a red midge with a red San Juan dropper, his favorite, after catching a few, was stripping the crackleback.  These were the best patterns for everyone that day. 

Stan had Joe and his son, JJ, out

JJ – 3/31/12 (check out this smile)


Saturday.  They had a great day
on the ruby midge with a red
midge.  This nice 22″ rainbow was caught on a size 16 red midge dropped below the ruby midge.  They proceeded to catch many more on this combination and then stripping the crackleback on the sink tip line.  Lots of good stories to take back to Illinois.
Meanwhile, Carolyn had Joe and James out for the day.  Tough start to the day for her boat.  Saw lots of fish, and pulled a few, but really could not get the fish to lock in well on any pattern.  Only after she slid into the place Stan had been fishing with his guys did they really start catching fish.  Saved during the last half of the day!  We finally pulled a good number of fish on the same combinations Stan had fished earlier.  Whew! 
Bottom line, these smiles are worth a thousand words!  Hope they keep on fishing.

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