Beautiful Day To Be Catching!

Nice day today.  Not too hot, not too much wind, little overcast now and then..great day!  Looks like more of the same.  Next possibility of rain looks like Saturday, but depending on who you listen to, not real likely.  Temperatures look like they will be more normal for the coming week.  Mid to upper 60s with low 70s sneaking in now and then.  Next good chance for rain looks like next Thursday and Friday. 

This is the third day we have seen something other than a full four generators running 24 hours a day.  The projection this morning was for only one generator to run until about 1:00 p.m.  NOT!  Around 10:00 a.m., they cranked on two generators to add to the one projected, so we had four generators going from 10:00 a.m. until ?  It now 3:15 p.m. and they are still running three.   Table Rock is now at 915.6 feet.  Just a little over half a foot and we will be back at power pool.  Still have to deal with the extra water Beaver is holding.

Stan on the water the past two day and he has had a couple good days.  Yesterday, Houston, from Floriday spent the morning catching fish.  Good day on the red midge and….you know it….the holographic green crackleback using the sink tip line.  Houston has been fishing with us since 2007, and this was probably one of his better days.

Today, Dean and Bev from Arkansas, spent the day with Stan.  Think Bev outfished Dean.  But you know how that front of the boat syndrome is.  Whoever is in the front of the boat usually catching the most fish.  They had a good day on the big ruby midge and the holographic green crackleback.   Said they had a fun day! 

Bev - 4/5/12

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