Even With the Rain, It’s Nice To See A Calm Day!

Windy again yesterday.  However, today, we definitely have cooler temperatures, overcast and some rain…even had a little sleet earlier today.  But, it is better than some of the wind we have been having.  Tomorrow we should be back to sunshine, temperature in the low 60s and winds maybe 10-20 mph.  That’s an improvement!  Saturday looks pretty good, mid 50, partly sunny, and a chance of rain moving in late, which, of course, will probably hang around for Sunday.  they are forecasting rain for Sunday and temperatures in the low 60.  Monday and Tuesday look good.  Upper 60s on Monday and 70s both Tuesday and Wednesday.  Slight chance of showers Wednesday and Thursday.  

Still lots of wader friendly water.  Projection for today was no generation until 3:00 p.m. It is 3:54 p.m. and the water it still off.  Maybe they will fire it up at 4:00 p.m.  They did run one generator for a short time this morning, but it was not enough to cause problems is you wanted to wade.  For the past four days, we have had 3-4 generators running in the morning for 4-6 hours, then off the remainder of the day.  So, usually by noon, the generators had been off long enough for the river to lower to a wading level in many, if not most of the areas.

Fishing has been, as some of us said yesterday, “spastic”.  Jim out all day with a couple fishers from Michigan, Frank and Dean.  They pulled streamers in several areas most of the day and worked hard for fish.  The salvation of the say was a rusty midge and gray scud combo. 

Steve - 3/7/12

Stan had Steve and Jean, from Illinois out for half a day and they had a very good afternoon on the rusty midge early in the afternoon and finished up with the copper dun when the fish stopped hitting the rusty.

Had a couple different customers come into the store today and each of them had had a very good day.  Lots of fish.  One was fishing the primrose & pearl midge (image that today?) with a size 18 gray scud dropper.  Taking both patterns.  The other guy was fishing a little red midge he ties.

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