Just A Little Brisk Yesterday!
Weather forecast is still looking good for this time of year. Friday’s weather was great. 50s, no wind, but a little overcast. Yesterday, I think it got into the low 50s, but it was windy and pretty brisk on the water. Today we are looking at sunshine, temperature in the upper 40s to low 50s and pretty calm wind. Monday and Tuesday look like low 50s, but chance of rain late Monday which might go into early Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday upper 50s to low 60s. Weather man said this morning that a cool front is trying to move our way by the weekend, so we will either see the mid to upper 40s or low 50s by then. Other than Monday, sunny to party sunny skies most of the week.
Friday we had some off water from noon until 4:00 p.m. Saturday it was off all morning until 3:00 p.m. Projection for today is two generators until noon then down to one until 6:00 p.m. and then off for the balance of the day. Monday is projecting no generation from around noon until 5:00 p.m. Now does that make sense? On Sunday afternoon and off Monday afternoon?
Couple boats out Friday. Jim had Matt and Dana out for a half day. They had a tough day, boated quite a few fish, but really could not hone in on any one good pattern.
Terry and Leslie Cloper from New York, spent the afternoon on the water with Stan. They managed to find the spots and patterns which were the red midge and a copper dun midge.
Saturday Jim had Joe and Bruce from Illinois out most of the afternoon. They did find the places and patterns and had a very good day on the rusty midge with a gray scud dropper. Although this picked most of their fish, you know Jim, they did hit a few on a size 17 sculpin bugger. I went out and fished for a couple house Friday and had a wonderful time at the Rockin Chair area stripping a holographic green crackleback. Another fellow came down my way and asked what I was using as he had not caught anything yet, so on goes the holographic green crackleback and he proceeded to catch fish until they blew the horn. Jim Quinn, one of the local, avid fly fishers was also out and I asked him if he would try out one of Shannon’s sculpin patterns. John is always happy to try something different! He landed a nice beautiful rainbow.
Fished the Rockin Chair area yesterday afternoon and it was a completely different day. Brisk, overcast and windy! Lots of hits on a mouse gray sculpin. Managed to land a few. Tried the crackleback…no luck. Fished the gray scud, caught a couple fish. Fished a copper dun midge…caught a fish. Finally, about time to quit, put on the black head, black body midge and got hits pretty regularly and caught several fish on this. You would have thought, with the overcast dark day I would have tried this earlier… By this time, my fingers were white and the horn went off! Oh well, there’s always another day!