What More Could You Ask For?!
Weather continues to be great for this time of year. We had 50s yesterday and espect upper 50s today and tomorrow, with Saturday in the low 60s. Sun is shining and there is not too much wind. Monday will cool down some, upper 30s to low 40s and then start back into the mid 40s by Tuesday, with sunshine most of the time.
Yep! Know what more we could ask for. Not so much generation!! Continuing with the non-stop generation. For a few days, it would drop back enough that you could wade in some areas. The past two days, they have been running the equivalent of two generators or a low three, which puts the level pretty high for wading. We can only hope it changes soon.
Yesterday was a good day on the water for Aaron and his son, Will, from Iowa. They spent the day on the water with Jim catching fish. Will is pretty new to the sport, so, of course, Jim worked with him on his casting. Said he was shooting a pretty good line by the end of the day. They had a good catching day on the size 14 red midge with a size 14 orange San Juan dropper, and strippping a size 10 olive sculpin. What more could you ask for?…..good day, good trip.