Hot Coffee…Hot Soup…Good Fishing!
Kind of nasty today. Probably won’t get out of the 30s and there is a chance of this off and on rain we are having changing to snow late tonight. Fortunately, tomorrow is supposed to warm up a bit with the sun coming out sometime during the day, but it will be windy. From Wednesday through Saturday, we are looking at mostly sunny skies, upper 40s Wednesday going into the mid to upper 50s by Saturday. So, weather looks pretty good!
Still generating non-stop. The only relief has been a cutting back of the generation around 11:00 to a low equivalent of two the past three days. This put the level at a place where folks can do a little wading, especially below outlet two and down around the fish ladder area. We will jsut have to see what the trend of generation is the rest of the week.
Stan on the water half a day Christmas eve day with Ken from Iola, Kansas. They came off the water happy, pretty warm and somewhat worn out. Sent them out with a full thermos of coffee, a full thermos of hot soup and they caught lots of fish. Good day on the water! Best patterns were an olive beadhead wooly bugger, sizes 14-12, and a size 20 blue wing olive biot emerger pattern. These were working best during that time when the generation was cut back. Before the cut back, they did catch some on the big ruby with the size 16 red tunghead midge dropper.
We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and it looking forward to the New Year. We can hope that the water will be off so we can all start the New Year standing in the water catching our first fist of the new year! Several of us are planning on doing just that!!