Good Fishing For The Hardy Fishers!
Yep! It’s that time of the year. Frost on the windshield, morning temperatures in the 20s and 30s and a flurrie or so of snow now and then. At least the mid-day temperatures are a bit warmer and we are looking for a few nice days…in the 40s with very slight wind and sunshine through the weekend. By Wednesday, they are forecasting the possibility of rain, especially toward the evening, but temperatures by mid week will be in the 50s.
We have had non-stop generation since last Sunday. As I reported earlier, we had a surprise no generation day last Friday, and projected no generation days most of Saturday and Sunday. Can we possibly hope for no generation again this weekend?
For those few hardy souls out fishing the past few days, catching has been very good. Have had several people come into the shop and report great fishing. Darrell fished for a little while one this this week up above outlet one and said he caught fish on everything he threw. The other folks have been fishing more toward outlet one or two and catching fish or getting hits on almost every other cast. The lake has not turned yet, but the Hatchery folks said it’s in the works.