Good Day To Be Fishing.
Although the sun was not shinning all day, and they were a few bouts of sprinkles, the temperature was warm enough to keep your hands from getting cold. Looks like we might hit low 40s today, but tomorrow will be in the upper 30s and a chance for some type of precipitation. Upper 30s to low 40s most of the week, but the sun will come back out on Wednesday. Right now, the weekend doesn’t look too bad.
Once they turned off the water Friday morning, they only ran a little Friday evening; kept it off most of yesterday, and it is off again today….as projected. The projection for tomorrow is generation all day.
Jenny and Steve, from AuxVasse, MO., spent half a day on the water yesterday with Stan. Both are brand new to fly fishing, but had a good day catching on the copper dun midge. Don’t ask Steve who caught the most! Jim had a couple of his fellows from Sullivan, MO. out again, Kevin and Steve. They had a good day catching on the size 12 olive bugger, the rusty midge and the blood worm. Couldn’t resist the opportunity to hit the water again yesterday….as I said, good day to be fishing, so I slipped out and fished the shallow area just above Troply Run. Caught a few on a golden variant sculpin pattern, but really had a good afternoon on the olive filoplume on the intermediate sinking leader. Yep! It was a good day to be fishing.