Ugly Day!…..That Is A Big Ugly Day!
Yesterday was a beautiful day. The increased winds forecast for the afternoon never came. Some wind in the morning, but it subsided, the sun was out most of the day and the temperature was in the 60s. Today we are having some light off and on showers, it is overcast, and the forecast says we will get cooler later in the day and into the 30s tonight. Chance of some snow flurries tonight into early tomorrow morning, then mid to upper 40s and sunny to party sunny most of next week. More typical weather for this time of the year.
Still seeing some off time on the generation schedule. Yesterday was completely backwards of what the projection was. Supposed to run some in the morning then have it off until late afternoon. Instead they had it off in the morning, turned it on around 11:00 a.m. and kept it on all day. Today, we had not generation until 10:00 a.m. and they are currently running the equivalent of two generators. Tomorrow’s projection is for no generation until 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. Would be nice!
It was a Big Ugly day for Brenda and Brandon from Kansas. They started a tradition of mother and son fishing trip on the Friday after Thanksgiving Day back in 2007, and have fished with Stan on this day every year since then. Lots of fish on either the Big Ugly, or the red or copper dun midge dropper. This was their first time to fish dries and they had a ball! Till next year guys!