So Much For 920 Feet!…..But…

So much for 920 feet, but they have started dropping the water flow a little.   We reached 920 feet some time yesterday.  When we drove to the shop this morning, we expected really expected to see the flood gates closed.  What?  They are still open?!  We came off the water this after about 2:30 p.m. and they were still open.  However, around 8:00 a.m. today, they started dropping the flow.  Instead of the 230 MW hours which had been coming through the generators, it dropped to about 180 MWH which, in turn, dropped the tailwater level to 710.8.  The most recent information we have received from some of the folks at the Hatchery is that they are going to cut back the generation flow (which they have) and leave the flood gates open to help get with the oxygen level and help get the lake level down to 917. 

There were three boats on the water yesterday.  Gina was out with some friends, Barbara and Valley.  They were playing around and checking on the fishing spots with the high water.  Dana and Carolyn when out on an exploratory expedition.  Only one working was Jim.  He has Bob from Texas out for a half day.  Think it was pretty hands down that it was a challenging day.  Jim’s guy boated some fish on the fur bug, red midge and pink San Juan.  The rest of us were throwing a variety of patterns with no real consistency. 

Fortunately, today was a bit better.  Darrell was out playing today with some friends from back East and they were boating fish with a red San Juan worm tied with a 1/8" tungsten bead in the middle.  Really helps get the worm down in this heavy water.  Stan had Wanda out for 1/2 a day and Carolyn rode along to supervise.  Wanda’s best fly was the size 16 red tungsten beadhead midge.  Carolyn caught some on the ruby midge, sizes 18 and 16.  Best fish was on the fur bug. 


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