Rain is Out of the Forecast
According to our local weather man, rain is out of our forecast through the weekend. It will be cloudy both today and tomorrow, but no more rain! At 7:45 this morning, Table Rock was at 921.9. It is going in the right direction. We are hoping for the 920 by tomorrow afternoon so they will shut down the flood gates.
Darrell was out for half a day yesterday with Wayne from Alabama. The highlights among the fish they caught were an 18 inch rainbow and a beautiful blue gill. They caught almost everything on the red midge and a red San Juan worm.
Wayne -10/14/09 |
Pretty Blue Gill – 10/11/09 |
Jim and his guys, Floyd and Scott, from Indiana, hit the water around noon. Once Jim found some fish, they were catching fish on the red midge, red San Juan worm, and a gray scud. Stan, too, started the their trip a little later in the day. He and Ken, from Kansas, didn’t get to the water until around 10:30 a.m. They boated several fish on the size 16 red tunghead midge. Nothing real big, but as Ken said, "all nice quality fish!"
As you can see, the trees are really starting to turn. Wish it was a sunny day so you could see how pretty they are.