Rain, Rain, Go Away!

They have been following the projection on generation pretty good so far this week.  Why can’t they do that on the weekends?!  Off every day until around 5:00 p.m. then on for one to four hours and back off.  Projection for today is the same and so far, it is off.  Tuesday it rain and drizzled most of the day.  Yesterday was overcast all day with periods of light rain.  Rained again this a.m. but does look like it might clear up for a while.  Think we have possibilities of rain in the forecast again for tomorrow.  Weekend looks pretty good.  Temps in the 70s.  I just looked out the window and actually see patches of blue sky!!!

Jim out yesterday with Mark and Chris, from here in Missouri.  This was their first attempt at fly fishing and they learned alot, had a fun time and caught a few fish.  They are floating the Buffalo today so we hope they can apply from of their new skills to fishing there.  Best patterns were the copper dun and ugly midge, size 18 gray scud with a blood worm dropper.  They pretty much stayed in the area just above and below the MDC boat ramp.

Reports from fishing up near the Hatchery are a mixed bag.  Catching fish, but not real fast and furious.  Seeing a few nice rainbows, a few browns, but not consistently. 


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