This is August Weather?!

They did generate water every day last week except for a short down time Tuesday night from 7:00 p.m. to midnight.  Generation in the mornings was lower, but they ramped up in the afternoons.  Both Saturday and Sunday we again saw no generation all day except for 3-4 hours in the afternoon.  Projection for today is no water until 3:00 p.m. then off again the balance of the day…..we’ll see.  Weather has been unbelievable!  When I got into my car this morning to come to work, it was 49 degrees.  Brisk morning to say the least.  High for today is mid 70s.  The weekend was beautiful too.  Should have unseasonal lows this week with the possibility of showers mid week. 

Jim took Kevin from St. Joseph, MO out Friday for a half day float.  Kevin used to fish this area a few years ago and wanted to get "back in the grove again".  Had a couple generators going to they fished a size 16 red soft hackle at the Lookout Island which worked well in the film.  Also caught fish on the size 14 Miracle scud with an orange San Juan worm. 

Saturday, Stan and Carolyn had the Louisiana Kerr family out for half a day, all day, whatever we wanted to do.  Obviously, Dawn, aka "The Stripper" wanted to throw patterns she could strip.  We did well in the morning on the holographic green crackleback.  Late morning or early afternoon, they just shut down on this, so we went looking for new waters in which to strip.  Unfortunately, they didn’t like anything we threw, so we started drifting midges with a San Juan worm dropper.  Hot pink and red worms were our afternoon patterns, especially after they turned on the generator. 

Sunday Darrell had Rick and Ken from Columbia, MO. out for the morning.  These guys did well on mainly on the P&P midge,  Also caught some on the Rusty and Zebra midges.  Carolyn fished with a local guy, Chad for a while in the morning.  Chad is getting ready to go home to Tennessee for a week and wanted to throw some dries in his home waters.  Worked mainly on technique as we couldn’t find a dry they were real excited about except the Big Ugly and they certainly were not overly excited about this one.  In the afternoon, Carolyn had Stephanie and Spring out for a learn day.  These two nurses from Skaggs are a hoot.  Fly fishing is something both of them have been wanted to learn, so this was the day.  We started out, of course, with the roll cast then progressed to the picked up and lay down casts.  Got through a little line management work and the horn went off.  Okay, time to change gears.  We rigged up with the Lightening Bug with a red San Juan dropper and the red tungsten beadhead midge with a hot pink San Juan dropper and started fishing.  Fished the rise, got into the boat and drifted for a while.  If anyone was on the river, they had to hear the screams and hollering of these two when they would hook a fish.  What a joy, what a day!  Lots of hookups, breakoffs, and a few actually made it to the boat.  We finished off the afternoon, sitting in the boat, eating black seedless grapes, enjoying the cool breeze blowing across the water, learning how to tie knots.   Hope they are practicing at work (on their lunch hour, of course) today.   

Stephanie – 8/30/09

Spring – 8/30/09








Our Louisiana family called Sunday morning to report that they were catching lots of fish in the Hatchery area on the Fl. Orange San Juan worm and an orange bodied crackleback. 


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