Almost Perfect!

Sunny day in the 80s.  Corps followed their projection on generation.  No generators until 4:00 p.m. when they ran one for little over one hour, then turned it off.  Fish hitting on almost everything you threw.  Slight breeze….not really slight, downright gusty.  Otherwise, everything was perfect.  Projection is for a repeat of yesterday.  Generator scheduled to come on at 5:00 p.m. today for an hour or so, temps to be in the 80s and the sun is shining.  Projection for tomorrow is more of the same except a little more generation to come on at 2:00 p.m. for most of the afternoon.

Darrell on the water yesterday with Jeff and his son, Nate, from Arkansas.  They had a very good half day on the P&P, Bug Ugly and the Pink Glitter midge.   They pretty much stayed in the Rockin Chair area as fishing was so good.

Nate – 8/21/09

Jeff – 8/21/09

Carolyn on the water for a few hours in the afternoon with a family, father, two sons and his daughter.  They were taking the full day fly fishing clinic.  After the morning session of learning knots, equipment, and a little on bugs, the afternoon was spent at the water working on the roll cast, pickup and lay down cast, line management, and playing fish!  When we finally got to the fishing part, we caught fish on every pattern we threw, the size 16 miracle scud, the ruby midge, P&P midge, and the burgundy midge…..even caught some stripping the holographic green crackleback.  Horn went off at 4:00 p.m. (as projected) so the two boys rigged up for the rise and caught a few on the red San Juan.  Great day on the water except for the heavy breeze. 

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