Fishing is Good – Wading is Good
Other than Friday, when two generators were turned on at 6:00 a.m., the water has been off until around noon each day and all day Saturday and today, Sunday. Once they turn them on, it is all four generators raising the level to or close to 710 feet.
Talked to several of our customers who were wade fishing Saturday and, depending on where you were, fishing was very good. The Hatchery Area and areas below the boat ramp had the best reports with the Hatchery No. 1. Almost everything was working, pink or red San Juan worms, the filoplume. When the sun was out, the P&P midge and when it went in, the burgundy midge. Great day on the water!
Jim out Thursday with Phil and Mike from Grain Valley, MO. Good day on the size 16 Miracle Scud, the size 16 red midge and size 12 gray scud.
Stan on the water for a half day with a couple guys from Texas…at least that’s where they live now, Brad and David. Both had fished quite a bit before but never used the sink tip and a wooly in high water. Caught a lot of fish on the size 12 olive wooly bugger, especially after the water came on. Also caught some on the size 16 Pink San Juan worm. Carolyn had Ellen from here in Branson and her niece from out of town Sarah on the water. Sarah just graduated from High School this year and is visiting Ellen. Ellen has been hard at work trying to give Sarah all the different experiences she could think of. Fly fishing was one of them! Bet everyone heard us when Sarah hooked her first fish AND, keep it on and brought it to the boat. Beautiful, fat Rainbow. Sarah took all the pictures so I hope she sends me some to put her on the site. With two generators on when we started we were fishing the #16 pink San Juan worm dropped from a size 16 Lightening Bug and we finished up the afternoon with four generators going and both Ellen and Sarah catching them on the sinking tip line with the size 12 olive wooly buggers. If Ellen and Sarah were not going to the Dixie Stampede after we got off the river, we probably would still be out there they were both having so much fun!