Come On In…..The Water is Fine!
Ran water all day Thursday, but, for the most part, followed the projection for Friday. Water off all morning and on at 2:00 p.m. Projection was to ramp up with 2 generators at 2:00 and they cranked all 4. Projection for today is the water will be off with a little kick water late this afternoon.
With a high two generators flowing Thursday, Jim had Zach from Nixa out for his birthday. Mom and Dad arranged for a surprise trip so Zach could pick up a few more tips on fly fishing and also have fun catching a few fish. They had a very good day on the water and Jim was impressed with Zach’s quick ability to pick up on much of what they worked on that day. Best flies were the red midge, size 12 Miracle Scud and the #6 Bug-Eyed Bugger.
Friday Stan was out with Matt from Michigan. Matt was throwing a 10′ rod and is a good caster. Had a great day on the P&P and at times they had a P&P emerger dropped about 12" off the midge which the fish were attacking with a vengeance. Used a 5X to the midge with a 6X tippet for the dropper.
I was out with a friend, Dawn. She and I had a wonderful day catching fish on the olive or black wooly buggers, various sculpin patterns and finished up the day with the holographic green crackle back. We were fishing the buggers and sculpins on the sink tip with a 4X tippet and the cracklebacks just below the surface on our little 4 weight Trout Bums. Great day and great fun!