Another Pretty Rainbow!
Power generation was off all weekend and lots of fly fishers were on the water catching fish. Water came on Monday at 2:00 p.m. until midnight. Off this morning and projected to come on at 2:00 p.m.
Finally got Dawn’s picture off the camera of the fish she caught Saturday while she was out with Carolyn. She was slow stripping an olive filoplume on the bank between the boat ramp and the stairs. Beautiful, hooked jawed Rainbow. We had a wonderful day stripping #12 filoplumes, #12 olive wooly buggers and #10 black wooly buggers. Steady catching, warm sun, nice breeze (sometimes a little too breezy!) and lots of slow moving geese swimming up and down back our boat. Dawn just kept saying, "it doesn’t get any better, this ia great". Albert, her husband was up around the R-bar hole catching fish "right and left" on the red or hot pink San Juan worms. James Albert, her and and his friend were up and down the river catching them on various patterns.
Dawn – 6/6/09 |
Jim on the water yesterday with Paul and Will from Texas. Will is 6 years old and a great young man. Really worked hard at fly fishing. They boated fish on the burgundy midge, blood worm and #18 gray midge. Takes where they were fishing were pretty soft.