Fishing has been Wonderful!
Generation pattern Saturday was off early in the morning for two hours, then ramped up with one generator, followed by two by 5:00 a.m., three shortly after then four by noon. Slowed down a little at 10:00 p.m. last night, but they never shut it down. Had two generators going when we hit the water this morning and cranked on the third at 9:00 a.m. and the fourth shortly after that.
Jim on the water all day Friday with Rubin from California. Rubin said he did more dry fly fishing than anything, so this nymphing, midging and streamer fishing was going to be new for him. The fast water was new for him too! Once he got the hand of it, he had a good day on the bug eyed bugger, red midge and gray scud.
Stan out Friday and Saturday with Rick and his son Brett from Town & Country, MO. Rick just got delivery on his new drift boat, a Hog Island, and wanted Stan to take them out and break it in right and give him some more help in learning how to handle it. They broke it in great with a lot of fish to the boat both days on the size 12 olive wooly bugger on a sink tip, the red midge and the lightening bug. When Brett came off the water Friday afternoon, he learned how to tie the red midge and caught fish on his midges Saturday!
Saturday Darrell had Rick’s daughter and son-in-law, Hunter out for a half day. Think they wanted to keep an eye on Dad to make certain he didn’t wreck the boat. They had fun and caught fish on the red midge and the lightening bug.
Jim was also on the water Saturday. He had Bill, and his friend Frank, from Lampe, MO. Good day for them throwing #6 bug-eyed buggers #8 sculpins off shoal drops.