Oh No! Snow!

Had a sprinkling of snow on the ground this morning when we woke up.  Seems are area got the least of it as there were school closing both north and south of us, but none in Branson. 

Water has been off during the day every day this week.  They turned it off this morning at 10:00 a.m. and will probably leave it off until 5:00 p.m.  That’s when they turned it on yesterday.  Reports from the folks out wading is that fishing is pretty darn good.  Still a bit spotty.  If you aren’t catching fish where you are and you have tried all your normal patterns, move!

Darrell was down by the boat ramp this morning and they were taking his copper dun midge dropped below a Big Ugly.  Takes were very soft.  If he had been using a regular indicator, he said he probably would not have noticed several of the hits.  Just had another customer leave the shop.  He and his 15 year old son are down there having a wonderful morning on the size 16 tan scud.  We got him set up so he could try the Big Ugly too!  One of our good customers, John, was in yesterday.  He said Monday was one of "those days".  He only strips streamer patterns of some type and had a very good day.  Yesterday was a bit tougher. 

Forecast is for warmer weather toward the weekend!


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