Still Running Some Water

At least they are maintaining the water level at a level where you can do some wading in places.  Today the water level is 704.5 plus or minus.  Even though they are running two generators, they are running the equivalent of one.  Let’s hope they give us a break and turn the generators off for Thanksgiving weekend!

Fish are taking small dries in various places.  Sometimes you really have to work at which one they want, but keep changing flies enough and you’ll figure it out.  That’s what we have been doing.  A few starters would be a parachute Adams in a 20 or smaller, mosquito, griffith’s gnat, or the other extreme….the Big Ugly, size 6 or 8.   Stan, Shannon and Steve are out playing today and the last time I talked to them, they had caught fish on all these flies.  Cracklebacks are also working in certain places. 

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