Catching some fish…but it is tough
Generation has continued to run almost 24/7 for the past 7 days. They did shut it off for about three hours last Friday night and again Tuesday night at 10:00 p.m. until Wednesday a.m. at 6:00. The tailwater level has been pretty stable at 706.0 feet plus or minus. This is actually wadeable in some areas. Big problem continues to be the warm water temperatures, in the 60s, and low dissolved oxygen levels. We really need a bunch of cool days and nights to cool down Table Rock so it can turn over.
Boats on the water every day since Friday. Catching fish but we are working for them. Jim had Mike from Oklahoma on the water Friday. He was celebrating his 66th birthday. Started pouring down rain late in the morning so they cut the full day down to a half day. They did boat some fish on the #6 bug eyed bugger and the red midge with a pink San Juan dropper until the storm came in.
Saturday Stan was out with Bruce and Larry. Larry had booked a full day to learn different techniques and catch some fish. Bruce from California happened in and wondered if anyone wanted to share a trip. Worked out great and Bruce and Larry had a good time, learned some new techniques and landed quite a few fish between the two of them. Both really liked fishing the big Ugly with a midge dropper.
Sunday, Stan was on the water with Jerry and I had his wife Cathy out. They are friends from the Kansas City area. We were having a him and her tournament. Yeah! Cathy won. Think she out fished him 2 to 1. Better luck next time Jerry.
Monday Gina had Joe and Pam from Texas out in her "yacht". They caught fish on the Rojo Wormo (red San Juan). Darrell was out with Albert and James from Louisiana. They too caught fish on the red San Juan dropped from the red midge. Stan and Bob, from Michigan, hit the water throwing and catching on the Bug Ugly with a primrose & pearl midge (this is one of the few times this midge has worked this year) as well as the red San Juan. Seems like the red San Juan has it!
Tuesday, Gina had a brand new fly fisher, Sistie, and her husband (who is a fly fisher) on the water. Gina’s work with Sistie paid off. Sistie boated a beautiful 17-1/2" rainbow. Her first fish on a fly rod. Is that nice!
Stan was also on the water Tuesday with "Doc" from Oklahoma. They caught several fish on the Big Ugly with a black midge dropper, and drifting the red midge with a Miracle Scud dropper fished about 6-1/2′ deep.