Generation Flow is Slowing Down A Little!
Since last Friday, we have seen a consistent pattern of off around 11:00 p.m and back on around 6:00-7:00 a.m. And, when they turn it on, the generation flow is much lower than it has been, usually an average of 4000 cfs. This equates to a tailwater level of 706.0 plus or minus. Actually seeing a few areas where a person can wade.
Had boats on the water every day. Fishing has been pretty good. Stan had Barry out Sunday and they caught some fish on the parachute Adams, size 18. Also caught some drifting with the red San Juan, size 18. Monday and Tuesday Stan had Dave from Illinois out for a couple half days. They found a bunch of fish sipping, and had good mornings on the dark olive size 18 soft hackle both days. Monday they also fished the red San Juan and Tuesday and finished up on the Pink Lady egg pattern. Heidi and Alan from the St. Louis area were out with Carolyn. Had a couple nice fish on that we did not get to the boat. They did best on the red midge with a red San Juan dropper in the a.m. Did get to catch a few fish on the dark olive size 18 soft hackle (had to introduce them to one of my favorite ways to fish) and finished up the early afternoon with the Pink Lady egg pattern. Darrell’s folks on Tuesday did well on the olive filoplume, Big Ugly’s with a copper dun midge dropper and a variety of other patterns on which they would catch a couple fish then have to change. Couple more fish and change again!