What a Beautiful Day!
Flood gates are off and fishing is good. It’s not raining and the sun is shining.
Had two boats on the water yesterday. They turned the flood gates off around 9:00 a.m. and the water was dropping all the time they were out. Despite the still dirty water and the fact that it was dropping all day, they still had a good day fishing Fish were nice too. Several 15-1/2 inchers, and better. Plus, they look good. Good color and nice and fat. Jim’s guys, from Nebraska and Kansas, were catching on the Bug-Eyed Bugger, and red midge. Darrell’s guys from Colorado Springs, CO caught most of theirs on a large red midge and the size 18 copper dun.
Talked to Stan today. He has John and Dennis from Florida out. They were just taking a break for lunch. They had already had a very good day on the water, mainly on the red tunghead midge. They had just cut the generators back from 3 to 1. Don’t know why, but we’re enjoying it.
Be careful if you go out on the lake. Lots of banks have been cut back and some of the trees along the banks may not have much to hold their root systems. Also, this morning I was looking at the damage to some of the boat docks up above Short Creek and noticed a long log or tree right in the middle of the river that had not been there before. It was just below the water line and probably not very visible to boaters coming up the river. Be aware that there may be new objects in places where there once was nothing. STAY SAFE!