Do We Have Water?!!

Wow!  Just opened up five flood gates!  The Corp. advised us the impact would be to raise the tailwater level another foot and increase the flow by 50,000 cfs.  At 8:00 a.m.  the tailwater level was at 921.5 (normal power pool-915.0 and top flood pool-931.0)  So much for the bad news.

Up until yesterday, we had boats on the water every day and fishing was steady.  Everyone coming off the water with a good day.  The Red Tunghead, size 16 and size 18 Copper dun midges still the most consistent flies, and if you wanted to throw some line, the sink tip with the olive filoplume. 

Good news  – after the gates have been open for a day or two, the fish will start settling in again and we will again find fishing to be steady.  And, I think we are going to see some sunshine soon.





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